Monday, June 26, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I wonder
I wonder when I'll post here again,
I mean...
A few weeks ago I was in the UK at a very sweet wedding
THen I was in Italy with my friends Sarah and Laura,
And tonight I'm in toronto just back from a hospital after me and Laura got hit by grandma while jogging past her at a stop sign.
And we're both ok...
Oh and I'm tanned
And Oh I'm gonna start the recording process for the next album in about 2 weeks (well the process has started but, ya know...stuff)
I wonder when I'll update this thing
I mean...
A few weeks ago I was in the UK at a very sweet wedding
THen I was in Italy with my friends Sarah and Laura,
And tonight I'm in toronto just back from a hospital after me and Laura got hit by grandma while jogging past her at a stop sign.
And we're both ok...
Oh and I'm tanned
And Oh I'm gonna start the recording process for the next album in about 2 weeks (well the process has started but, ya know...stuff)
I wonder when I'll update this thing
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
WOW! It's been 1 month less a day since I last blogged, please forgive me, It's been a busy month.
To Recap:
Sarah won the game (my last post)
Sun - Sat (26th - 1st)
I spent a week finishing up recording Kelly Boyes' debut album at night and on the weekend.
Sven came by and left some sweet guitars on track 7, Kelly and the crew came round to finish the last of the overdubs.
Sun - Sat (2nd - 8th)
The next week starting Sunday until Friday was spent at work during the day except on lunches and at night until 6, 3, 4, 4, and 6:30am respectively mixing and then mastering (and then remastering). Friday Morning after 2 hours sleep went to work and then to Duplium in the afternoon to deliver the master.
On Saturday I worked with Mike Noack and his peeps recording the Emergent Church Conference, enjoyed that thoroughly...
Sun - Sat (9th - 15th)
Sunday Afternoon Practiced in the basement with Bill and Tyler for our spots on the outdoor stage at Fresh Wind. In the evening I got to see Dave and Adele and that was flipping wonderful, went down to the Queen Mother with the Richardes and Miss Dalley, had a nice life coaching session (much appreciated) and fun time then changed location and sipped various liquids while enjoying/discussing music like the Kaiser Chiefs and Katie Tunstall while I lamented my bondage to folk music, and prayed for deliverance.
Monday hits and I go to work and approve the final cover proof and mess around with various IT related things like me and puddle often do right before a conference so as to keep our toes in good form for dancing and such.
Tuesday can't remember
Wednesday can't remember then we had a small CD release party since the disc was supposed to arrive that afternoon (didn't happen)
Thursday everyone is in mad conference rush, the CD's arrive, they're pretty hot lookin (thanks to Sarah Delaney and her mad skill), the power isn't working to the outdoor stage and the sound system needs to be wired and Pete says we can't mix past 85db C-weighted at 20 metres
(weak but only until 5pm that day) that was a pill, power arrived while I rushed around for various Premium Membership things. Kelly and her band sounded great, and included a few interesting endings, which were fun for me. Me and the boys went on at 5:something-PM and did 2 sets which might also be described more accuratly as our second practice, but those two are so flipping good at what they do that we only had 2 songs that really didn't work that well.
Friday Delirous? arrives while me and the guys do another set(which as our 3rd practice went way better) and I balance Premium Membership, Hosting those cats and their families (they were really sweet people), do a bit of sound for JT for P, they're pretty groovy, (Pete and Seans band Jim Touchie for President) give them some time and they'll score an indie rock hit. Junior Secco plays in this band and Kelly's which makes me happy cause I want him to stick around and be a rock star.
Delirious go on Friday night and kick some, then we have fire tunnels and maybe they didn't know quite what to make of it, but they kept right up anyways and we all were treated to a little Stu G show. BTW whenever the light shines on that guy, delirious get a little more credible, not that they're not allready but Stu G is keeping rock and roll alive IMHO.
Saturday comes around and Bill and Tyler and myself do an acoustic worship set which was fun. Then I immediately rush off to pick up Delirious avec Sven and Trevor who are also hosting the D:peoples?. Later Kelly does her final set and plays a new tune that was fantastic. JT for P do their last and sound at their best but I missed Jon Boerger freaking out in sound check sadly.
Kelly's CD is doing pretty well by now and has sold 25 or so copies out of the store (which is ok since the outdoor stage didn't get too much coverage)
Saturday was madness, between my paying Job, the job I pay to do, and driving rockstars around and getting a tiny slice of time to enjoy freshwind I was kinda tired by Saturday night.
Puddle also known as DJ J Puddy opened for Delirious? at the concert and used well tasty tracks in his set, and then the Band got up and did their set which I missed since grocery shopping needed to be done for the bus trek back to chicago I guess, but chatting with Ian's wife Missy was cool, I got a better idea of what all this rock tour stuff is about. I must say Mr. & Mrs. Cattle were good fun to have around, when CS does a tour I would love their help in pulling it off.
Sun - Sun (16th - 23rd)
Sunday I can't remember much except I chilled with some people I know Maarten Van Der Muelen was around with Mr Summner, was good to see them, Wait now I remember! I hung out with my Bro and Sis and Adam my little jokes buddy and nephew along with Naomi Kennedy and Laurie Ross who I haven't seen for years, had a good time then went off to central but something came up in my heart (a hardboiled egg i think) and I wanted to leave so I left and watched a movie with the girls for 20 minutes but it was too cheesy and then it had some romantic crap that I didn't feel like watching so I left again.
Oh yeah Saturday I had a tough conversation with a close friend halfway thru the day, it was related to hopes and dreams and all that (cold fusion) mumbo jumbo.
The week rolls on and I spent it pondering why the sky was so blue since etobicoke (the great sprawling megatroplis that fills the earth - when your de-automobiled...perhaps) is so grey.
Then I read a short story by Mr. MacDonald and get convicted and called said friend and booked a meal for the next night where everything was sorted to a much better situation than before Sat. and I wonder if Saturday was a setup...Mysterious ways...
So where does that bring us...
Had a nice sleep until 1pm yesterday, can't even fathom how I did that but it was nice
Cooked a risotto for some friends that worked out better than my last
Went To Caroline McFishes B-day Party, had a great time (ended up eating again)
Woke up this morning and watched church online.
Updated my Blog
Over and Out
To Recap:
Sarah won the game (my last post)
Sun - Sat (26th - 1st)
I spent a week finishing up recording Kelly Boyes' debut album at night and on the weekend.
Sven came by and left some sweet guitars on track 7, Kelly and the crew came round to finish the last of the overdubs.
Sun - Sat (2nd - 8th)
The next week starting Sunday until Friday was spent at work during the day except on lunches and at night until 6, 3, 4, 4, and 6:30am respectively mixing and then mastering (and then remastering). Friday Morning after 2 hours sleep went to work and then to Duplium in the afternoon to deliver the master.
On Saturday I worked with Mike Noack and his peeps recording the Emergent Church Conference, enjoyed that thoroughly...
Sun - Sat (9th - 15th)
Sunday Afternoon Practiced in the basement with Bill and Tyler for our spots on the outdoor stage at Fresh Wind. In the evening I got to see Dave and Adele and that was flipping wonderful, went down to the Queen Mother with the Richardes and Miss Dalley, had a nice life coaching session (much appreciated) and fun time then changed location and sipped various liquids while enjoying/discussing music like the Kaiser Chiefs and Katie Tunstall while I lamented my bondage to folk music, and prayed for deliverance.
Monday hits and I go to work and approve the final cover proof and mess around with various IT related things like me and puddle often do right before a conference so as to keep our toes in good form for dancing and such.
Tuesday can't remember
Wednesday can't remember then we had a small CD release party since the disc was supposed to arrive that afternoon (didn't happen)
Thursday everyone is in mad conference rush, the CD's arrive, they're pretty hot lookin (thanks to Sarah Delaney and her mad skill), the power isn't working to the outdoor stage and the sound system needs to be wired and Pete says we can't mix past 85db C-weighted at 20 metres
(weak but only until 5pm that day) that was a pill, power arrived while I rushed around for various Premium Membership things. Kelly and her band sounded great, and included a few interesting endings, which were fun for me. Me and the boys went on at 5:something-PM and did 2 sets which might also be described more accuratly as our second practice, but those two are so flipping good at what they do that we only had 2 songs that really didn't work that well.
Friday Delirous? arrives while me and the guys do another set(which as our 3rd practice went way better) and I balance Premium Membership, Hosting those cats and their families (they were really sweet people), do a bit of sound for JT for P, they're pretty groovy, (Pete and Seans band Jim Touchie for President) give them some time and they'll score an indie rock hit. Junior Secco plays in this band and Kelly's which makes me happy cause I want him to stick around and be a rock star.
Delirious go on Friday night and kick some, then we have fire tunnels and maybe they didn't know quite what to make of it, but they kept right up anyways and we all were treated to a little Stu G show. BTW whenever the light shines on that guy, delirious get a little more credible, not that they're not allready but Stu G is keeping rock and roll alive IMHO.
Saturday comes around and Bill and Tyler and myself do an acoustic worship set which was fun. Then I immediately rush off to pick up Delirious avec Sven and Trevor who are also hosting the D:peoples?. Later Kelly does her final set and plays a new tune that was fantastic. JT for P do their last and sound at their best but I missed Jon Boerger freaking out in sound check sadly.
Kelly's CD is doing pretty well by now and has sold 25 or so copies out of the store (which is ok since the outdoor stage didn't get too much coverage)
Saturday was madness, between my paying Job, the job I pay to do, and driving rockstars around and getting a tiny slice of time to enjoy freshwind I was kinda tired by Saturday night.
Puddle also known as DJ J Puddy opened for Delirious? at the concert and used well tasty tracks in his set, and then the Band got up and did their set which I missed since grocery shopping needed to be done for the bus trek back to chicago I guess, but chatting with Ian's wife Missy was cool, I got a better idea of what all this rock tour stuff is about. I must say Mr. & Mrs. Cattle were good fun to have around, when CS does a tour I would love their help in pulling it off.
Sun - Sun (16th - 23rd)
Sunday I can't remember much except I chilled with some people I know Maarten Van Der Muelen was around with Mr Summner, was good to see them, Wait now I remember! I hung out with my Bro and Sis and Adam my little jokes buddy and nephew along with Naomi Kennedy and Laurie Ross who I haven't seen for years, had a good time then went off to central but something came up in my heart (a hardboiled egg i think) and I wanted to leave so I left and watched a movie with the girls for 20 minutes but it was too cheesy and then it had some romantic crap that I didn't feel like watching so I left again.
Oh yeah Saturday I had a tough conversation with a close friend halfway thru the day, it was related to hopes and dreams and all that (cold fusion) mumbo jumbo.
The week rolls on and I spent it pondering why the sky was so blue since etobicoke (the great sprawling megatroplis that fills the earth - when your de-automobiled...perhaps) is so grey.
Then I read a short story by Mr. MacDonald and get convicted and called said friend and booked a meal for the next night where everything was sorted to a much better situation than before Sat. and I wonder if Saturday was a setup...Mysterious ways...
So where does that bring us...
Had a nice sleep until 1pm yesterday, can't even fathom how I did that but it was nice
Cooked a risotto for some friends that worked out better than my last
Went To Caroline McFishes B-day Party, had a great time (ended up eating again)
Woke up this morning and watched church online.
Updated my Blog
Over and Out
Friday, March 24, 2006
The Joy of Friday!
Now that there was a long week!
Twice as long as last week!!
Three times as satisfying though...
tonight I don't yet have verbal whats it called so I'll post later on as well...maybe
But here is a small update on my week
Started off with various bla bla at work, then I went and fixed a thing at J&C's place and since nobody felt like driving me home I got Carols car for 2 days!!! So I spent them driving ladies around in my big luxury car...that was fun...
-At the gym i tried out the step/climbing machine - that hurt
-At Duncans I learnt how to use his rowing machine - that hurt
-I took my shirt off this morning - that hurt
Tongiht will consist of me recording a friends demo that i co-wrote the music on, and then trouncing her and some others in a game called settlers...if I don't post tonight it's directly related to the truth of this statement (the trouncing part)
OK, talk to you soon
hi again
ok bye
Twice as long as last week!!
Three times as satisfying though...
tonight I don't yet have verbal whats it called so I'll post later on as well...maybe
But here is a small update on my week
Started off with various bla bla at work, then I went and fixed a thing at J&C's place and since nobody felt like driving me home I got Carols car for 2 days!!! So I spent them driving ladies around in my big luxury car...that was fun...
-At the gym i tried out the step/climbing machine - that hurt
-At Duncans I learnt how to use his rowing machine - that hurt
-I took my shirt off this morning - that hurt
Tongiht will consist of me recording a friends demo that i co-wrote the music on, and then trouncing her and some others in a game called settlers...if I don't post tonight it's directly related to the truth of this statement (the trouncing part)
OK, talk to you soon
hi again
ok bye
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
12 years ago ( to the day maybe)
Life is what you make it right?
I wish I'd learned earlier, but whatever, I just figured it out...
Don't get me wrong in the next few paragraphs, I'm not looking for sympathy, I've been given something much better than sympathy, I've been given an unlimited resource, the truth.
When I was 15 somewhere inside I gave up, I dropped everything but my guitar
When I was 16 Jesus found me and began to restore what was lost and fix what was broken
God was good, good enough to become my passion and possession, good enough to be my best friend, good enough to father me, heal my heart, challenge me, love me, so good he wont let me use him to hide the thought that I pursued in dropping everything.
When people say "they use Jesus as a crutch" they are right if they are referring to me, fact is I need(ed) him, perhaps I've abused the grace shown me, perhaps this is just part of the process of turning broken pieces back into a vessel.
I gave up way back then, on pain, on trying, on success and failure, whatever the cause, whatever the end result, I'd had enough of that, I looked for the least painful way through life. When Jesus introduced himself to me and asked if I wanted his life I gladly took it since I'd never known such a genuine love, and he offered pain relief. I've made good use of every benefit offered, I've grown in character, love, gifting, in every aspect of faith...I've been ok with whatever it takes to get close to him, whatever pain, work, healing, name it, I've jumped through a good number of hoops...but there is one I've avoided until recently.
I really don't know how to word this, but I believe in living, I've engaged life in a new way, I've decided it's worth the risk, worth the work, any momentary pain encountered, small potatoes for some, but for me this is what I lost and hoped I could forget about by skimming the surface and letting life happen to me in the name of "what ever the Fathers will be - will be, since I am so loved" and indeed this realization is found inside the statement which was my excuse to hide.
I'm 28 now, it's taken 12 years to get here, feels like I'm back where I left off in some ways, which might bug me a bit, but now I've got another chance and I am gonna live forever.
It's good to be alive and awake, it's good to know that there is hope and a future, it's good to believe in God and feel his grace in the wind that blows this ship.
I wish I'd learned earlier, but whatever, I just figured it out...
Don't get me wrong in the next few paragraphs, I'm not looking for sympathy, I've been given something much better than sympathy, I've been given an unlimited resource, the truth.
When I was 15 somewhere inside I gave up, I dropped everything but my guitar
When I was 16 Jesus found me and began to restore what was lost and fix what was broken
God was good, good enough to become my passion and possession, good enough to be my best friend, good enough to father me, heal my heart, challenge me, love me, so good he wont let me use him to hide the thought that I pursued in dropping everything.
When people say "they use Jesus as a crutch" they are right if they are referring to me, fact is I need(ed) him, perhaps I've abused the grace shown me, perhaps this is just part of the process of turning broken pieces back into a vessel.
I gave up way back then, on pain, on trying, on success and failure, whatever the cause, whatever the end result, I'd had enough of that, I looked for the least painful way through life. When Jesus introduced himself to me and asked if I wanted his life I gladly took it since I'd never known such a genuine love, and he offered pain relief. I've made good use of every benefit offered, I've grown in character, love, gifting, in every aspect of faith...I've been ok with whatever it takes to get close to him, whatever pain, work, healing, name it, I've jumped through a good number of hoops...but there is one I've avoided until recently.
I really don't know how to word this, but I believe in living, I've engaged life in a new way, I've decided it's worth the risk, worth the work, any momentary pain encountered, small potatoes for some, but for me this is what I lost and hoped I could forget about by skimming the surface and letting life happen to me in the name of "what ever the Fathers will be - will be, since I am so loved" and indeed this realization is found inside the statement which was my excuse to hide.
I'm 28 now, it's taken 12 years to get here, feels like I'm back where I left off in some ways, which might bug me a bit, but now I've got another chance and I am gonna live forever.
It's good to be alive and awake, it's good to know that there is hope and a future, it's good to believe in God and feel his grace in the wind that blows this ship.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
That ol' chap
Ernest Hemingway.
What a guy.
Had alot of ish.
Very gifted.
Terrible End.
Everything is opening my eyes lately, including his writings.
And now for something completely different
I think this new job of mine could pay off in about a year or seems everything microsoft is doing on the enterprise level is going to sit in a SQL database which I'm learning how to design, implement and program...slow like turtle...but I'll get there...and then I'll drop it all for Rock and Roll (ok urban-folk), and surfing. (Cool Huh)
Random Picture
What a guy.
Had alot of ish.
Very gifted.
Terrible End.
Everything is opening my eyes lately, including his writings.
And now for something completely different
I think this new job of mine could pay off in about a year or seems everything microsoft is doing on the enterprise level is going to sit in a SQL database which I'm learning how to design, implement and program...slow like turtle...but I'll get there...and then I'll drop it all for Rock and Roll (ok urban-folk), and surfing. (Cool Huh)
Random Picture
Can You guess who this dude is?
Hint 1- He's Scottish
Hint 2- He was born on Dec 10, 1824
Food I'm going to eat when I get home
A chocolate bar called (hold on to something)
the "Mighty Perky Nanna", it is bananna flavored something inside cadbury chocolate, and of course it has a picture of a monkey eating a bannana!
Thanks for listening to tonights broadcast,
Sponsored by - UNDER ARMOUR
Sunday, February 26, 2006
She's out there somewhere
My car that is...
I feel her.
She can move, let me tell you. She's dark and lovely. She's quiet, but you shouldn't get in her way. She has 5 speeds and they're all a little fast for me, but I'll manage.
She was born east of here, she'll like my cooking I think. She knows a few more languages than I do, maybe she'd teach me one or two?
I don't know her name, I feel her.
My car that is...
I feel her.
She can move, let me tell you. She's dark and lovely. She's quiet, but you shouldn't get in her way. She has 5 speeds and they're all a little fast for me, but I'll manage.
She was born east of here, she'll like my cooking I think. She knows a few more languages than I do, maybe she'd teach me one or two?
I don't know her name, I feel her.
My car that is...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Let's just say this together:
Dear Jesus,
If I am ever ever about to eat a shiitake mushroom, please come back right before it happens.
If I am ever ever about to eat a shiitake mushroom, please come back right before it happens.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Once in a while it's simple
That's what I'm shootin for...
"The words of a mans mouth are deep waters, the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook" - Proverbs 18:4
Life Lesson - #11(and #46, #97, #134, #201, #247, #etc)
-When to shut up.
It's hard when I was formed in the shape of a flipping trumpet! Only excuse I get. But (this is for the investors) we are devoting at minimum 35% of our R&D to this pursuit in 2006!
Enough about that.
Reasons why Jon Puddle worships me at work:
- I always fix everything he can't
- I swear without closing the door
- My boots
- My dance moves
- I somehow make his life easier without him having to know how/why
But seriously now folks...please join me in congratulating Jonathan Q Puddle on his recent appointment as "Assistant IT Manager".
That's enough...since that makes me "Only Remaining Lacky"
In the News:
On Saturday a old friend of mine comes into town for 1 week (At least with me, i think he's goin downtown after that) Ashley Finnigan is the name he goes by and he's one of Fords best models, - Ahem- that's where we met actually. Anyways, come round for a beer, meet the Ash, ya know.
Ben (tried out my middle name for once)
P.S. instrumentals are up
"The words of a mans mouth are deep waters, the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook" - Proverbs 18:4
Life Lesson - #11(and #46, #97, #134, #201, #247, #etc)
-When to shut up.
It's hard when I was formed in the shape of a flipping trumpet! Only excuse I get. But (this is for the investors) we are devoting at minimum 35% of our R&D to this pursuit in 2006!
Enough about that.
Reasons why Jon Puddle worships me at work:
- I always fix everything he can't
- I swear without closing the door
- My boots
- My dance moves
- I somehow make his life easier without him having to know how/why

That's enough...since that makes me "Only Remaining Lacky"
In the News:
On Saturday a old friend of mine comes into town for 1 week (At least with me, i think he's goin downtown after that) Ashley Finnigan is the name he goes by and he's one of Fords best models, - Ahem- that's where we met actually. Anyways, come round for a beer, meet the Ash, ya know.
Ben (tried out my middle name for once)
P.S. instrumentals are up
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
If I keep this up...
It's sorta late...when did I become a freakin owl?? musta been at the joneses(es)
I just finished a song I started @ 9pm, man time flies when your hollering with a guitar strapped to your gut. (actually it was resting upon my leg)
Let's recap:
Worship yesterday went interesting, I had fun as did Bill and Tyler, but...I don't know that too many others there did, they weren't too interested in our brand of fun, but dang we had fun so we're gonna do it again
Today blew by me like 1(one) short breeze...gone, whole day at work done, just doing this and that and bam it's 5pm and i really ought to leave and guess what
No guess.
OK fine
I went to the gym!
Hallelujah I'm healthy again...and as per norm I kicked my own ass for 35 min, dave would have been laughing (until he saw my HR was at 200) then I ran off to some meeting regarding worship where they fed us nice pizza (there's some protein on that) and told us how it was gonna be...wasn't gonna be too bad, but I felt like a loser for a bit since I don't care one iota to sound like Hillsong United or any other thing that I hear in church these days (oops), then we all prayed and everyone was saying "new sound, new sound" and in my heart i was encouraged but at the same time was pondering "is anyone willing to stick their neck out" I am, hope it comes. The problem with a new sound is it's likely to be a real honest spirit and truth type sound...which will put cracks in the pavement and along with everything else that has life - destroy concrete church.
Thank God I'm his very own son and he and me get to punk religion (as Ashton would say?) and have a little fun along the way...
Sleep Well
I just finished a song I started @ 9pm, man time flies when your hollering with a guitar strapped to your gut. (actually it was resting upon my leg)
Let's recap:
Worship yesterday went interesting, I had fun as did Bill and Tyler, but...I don't know that too many others there did, they weren't too interested in our brand of fun, but dang we had fun so we're gonna do it again
Today blew by me like 1(one) short breeze...gone, whole day at work done, just doing this and that and bam it's 5pm and i really ought to leave and guess what
No guess.
OK fine
I went to the gym!
Hallelujah I'm healthy again...and as per norm I kicked my own ass for 35 min, dave would have been laughing (until he saw my HR was at 200) then I ran off to some meeting regarding worship where they fed us nice pizza (there's some protein on that) and told us how it was gonna be...wasn't gonna be too bad, but I felt like a loser for a bit since I don't care one iota to sound like Hillsong United or any other thing that I hear in church these days (oops), then we all prayed and everyone was saying "new sound, new sound" and in my heart i was encouraged but at the same time was pondering "is anyone willing to stick their neck out" I am, hope it comes. The problem with a new sound is it's likely to be a real honest spirit and truth type sound...which will put cracks in the pavement and along with everything else that has life - destroy concrete church.
Thank God I'm his very own son and he and me get to punk religion (as Ashton would say?) and have a little fun along the way...
Sleep Well
Saturday, February 18, 2006
I stayed up until 7:30 AM last night
At which point I thought "oops I'm leading worship on Sunday morning out at TACF-North" So I slept for the next few hours and I'm back at what I was doing last night
Making the Site a little less ghastly :>
So now it's in ver. 0.1b and it's no-longer extra scary, because of our friends at Macromedia.
Regarding Worship:
I like that stuff, I feel like I'm just rediscovering my friend Jesus here in my home when it's 2am and no one can hear me cause I'm in this sweet basement (although water leaked in again and I had to remove my bed again...)
I don't have any tricks, don't have any expectations these days, just these moments of childish amazement like "ooh that's God's presence...I like that, do that again".
Funny That huh...
Regarding Birthdays:
It's Sarah Dalleys Birthday....where she is. (Tomorrow it's her birthday here)
That's pretty cool so - Everyone lift a glass to Sarah - May this be your best year yet!
Regarding the car:
I miss Maggie (Margaret Thatcher), she was soooo good to me...and soon Marcel (I love you man) will arrive home and take stinky from me and I will then actually need to buy a car again.... I don't know how many of you know what happened but A TTC bus changed lanes on top of me right after (key detail) I had gotten into a lane from a driveway....totaled. God has provided amazingly since then for the new car, I just gotta find it now...
In Reference to (and to correct) my second post ever:
I don't love technology
I love all of you
Making the Site a little less ghastly :>
So now it's in ver. 0.1b and it's no-longer extra scary, because of our friends at Macromedia.
Regarding Worship:
I like that stuff, I feel like I'm just rediscovering my friend Jesus here in my home when it's 2am and no one can hear me cause I'm in this sweet basement (although water leaked in again and I had to remove my bed again...)
I don't have any tricks, don't have any expectations these days, just these moments of childish amazement like "ooh that's God's presence...I like that, do that again".
Funny That huh...
Regarding Birthdays:
It's Sarah Dalleys Birthday....where she is. (Tomorrow it's her birthday here)
That's pretty cool so - Everyone lift a glass to Sarah - May this be your best year yet!
Regarding the car:
I miss Maggie (Margaret Thatcher), she was soooo good to me...and soon Marcel (I love you man) will arrive home and take stinky from me and I will then actually need to buy a car again.... I don't know how many of you know what happened but A TTC bus changed lanes on top of me right after (key detail) I had gotten into a lane from a driveway....totaled. God has provided amazingly since then for the new car, I just gotta find it now...
In Reference to (and to correct) my second post ever:
I don't love technology
I love all of you
Friday, February 17, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The Beginning of the End
Tonight Me and Cho went to a li'l coffee shop some of you have frequented on bloor street and discussed how to make a dream a reality. Well that's not what we discussed but that's what the title of the sermon shall be for tonight, since that's what the outcome will be.
I have been sweating ideas for a bad-ass label/ad agency/stunt org./toxic waste management company for somewhere near 3 years. I've found people with the same passion and we've brainstormed and almost done something, but it's never happened so far. But I'm different now, I used to try to fly before even learning to run, and it wasn't often I desired to walk, but now...I'm willing to walk. In fact for the next 8 months I'm gonna walk (thank-you cho) I'm gonna walk until I learn to run, not sprint mind you but run with some endurance.
So yeah we sat there, drank our drinks, and Cho helped me get my head onto paper, with a timeline, that has achievable goals for 3 stages of the creative shift I am planning with the help of many.
While we were there a dude walked into the place with a guitar and we struck up a conversation with him. Pete was about to play a gig a few doors down so he came to chill with his ex-barrista crew and practice. So he plays us some tunes and we get to talking about all the stuff we're thinkin about like Stunts that we'd like to pull off in Toronto (Like the massive Pillow Fight on the subway in October that newmindspace did) and he gets excited and wants in and gives some ideas of where to pull off one the sweet ones. It was a divine moment. He'll probably join me and all the others that found "tlr"(details to follow once we decide just how legal to keep the stunts).
I've registered the domain names:
You'll see a small site there in a month or so.
I have a fair amount of work ahead of me but the first job is to finish Kelly's Album. We are close now, I can see the landing strip, and I know your going to love her music.
Tonight feels good...
P.S. here are the photos of my reaction to Dave and Adele's wonderous news

!!Good Job Dave!!

:0 Singing For Joy :)

I have been sweating ideas for a bad-ass label/ad agency/stunt org./toxic waste management company for somewhere near 3 years. I've found people with the same passion and we've brainstormed and almost done something, but it's never happened so far. But I'm different now, I used to try to fly before even learning to run, and it wasn't often I desired to walk, but now...I'm willing to walk. In fact for the next 8 months I'm gonna walk (thank-you cho) I'm gonna walk until I learn to run, not sprint mind you but run with some endurance.
So yeah we sat there, drank our drinks, and Cho helped me get my head onto paper, with a timeline, that has achievable goals for 3 stages of the creative shift I am planning with the help of many.
While we were there a dude walked into the place with a guitar and we struck up a conversation with him. Pete was about to play a gig a few doors down so he came to chill with his ex-barrista crew and practice. So he plays us some tunes and we get to talking about all the stuff we're thinkin about like Stunts that we'd like to pull off in Toronto (Like the massive Pillow Fight on the subway in October that newmindspace did) and he gets excited and wants in and gives some ideas of where to pull off one the sweet ones. It was a divine moment. He'll probably join me and all the others that found "tlr"(details to follow once we decide just how legal to keep the stunts).
I've registered the domain names:
You'll see a small site there in a month or so.
I have a fair amount of work ahead of me but the first job is to finish Kelly's Album. We are close now, I can see the landing strip, and I know your going to love her music.
Tonight feels good...
P.S. here are the photos of my reaction to Dave and Adele's wonderous news

!!Good Job Dave!!

:0 Singing For Joy :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
ok I remembered my username so i'm back

Hallelujah it's raining blogs!
Uhm...there's a boat load of new things to talk about
I'm making friends, I like do they
I haven't bought a dog, but one day I will
I'm liking life again cause God is alive and well so I'll stay that way too
I bought a car in October and it got eaten by a TTC bus a few weeks ago...
I'm writing songs like mad
I'm learning the inside, outside and backside of MS-SQL and check this I like it
Puddle is behind me with his wife and since it's valentines day they are making numerous funny noises...I choose not to be aware anylonger amen
Uhm I'll tell more l8r
soo see ya
Oh almost forgot:
To all my friends near and far, high and low etc...
Happy Valentines Day!!!
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