Saturday, February 18, 2006

I stayed up until 7:30 AM last night

At which point I thought "oops I'm leading worship on Sunday morning out at TACF-North" So I slept for the next few hours and I'm back at what I was doing last night

Making the Site a little less ghastly :>
So now it's in ver. 0.1b and it's no-longer extra scary, because of our friends at Macromedia.

Regarding Worship:

I like that stuff, I feel like I'm just rediscovering my friend Jesus here in my home when it's 2am and no one can hear me cause I'm in this sweet basement (although water leaked in again and I had to remove my bed again...)

I don't have any tricks, don't have any expectations these days, just these moments of childish amazement like "ooh that's God's presence...I like that, do that again".

Funny That huh...

Regarding Birthdays:

It's Sarah Dalleys Birthday....where she is. (Tomorrow it's her birthday here)
That's pretty cool so - Everyone lift a glass to Sarah - May this be your best year yet!

Regarding the car:

I miss Maggie (Margaret Thatcher), she was soooo good to me...and soon Marcel (I love you man) will arrive home and take stinky from me and I will then actually need to buy a car again.... I don't know how many of you know what happened but A TTC bus changed lanes on top of me right after (key detail) I had gotten into a lane from a driveway....totaled. God has provided amazingly since then for the new car, I just gotta find it now...

In Reference to (and to correct) my second post ever:

I don't love technology

I love all of you



Linda Hope said...

Ahhh yes, i simple post that can be constituted as a simple update...but it challenged me...

Tanks Boi!

Need to talk to the JC!

£ a u r i e said...

i was just happy to read & not comment - until I clicked on Jesus (the link) - tres funny! enjoying your music btw......

sc@vp said...

hey jon - get some sleep b'c our whole danged family (well, the ones in the country and living in my house) are coming JUST FOR YOUR WORSHIP LEADING tomorrow/today. So it had better be good. heh heh.

p.s. if you need/want a back up singer, let me know - i'm not too bad.
p.p.s. notice I'm not offering my piano skills? yeah, that's b'c my keyboard weighs 100 million pounds and it's too annoying to drag around unless you're paying me. My voice, on the other hand, not so heavy.

Adele said...

Hey JP! Your parcel arrived safe and sound...and was delivered safely into the hands of the recipient. Very nice!

I love the fact that you still praise your basement even when it leaks so much you have to move your bed. You are an optimist my friend! Reminds me of the time your water bed in Indonesia sprung a leak in the middle of the night and you just curled up around it rather than switch to another bed....

You are clearly loyal to leaky places.....


Linda Hope said...

Hahaa! I am DEFINITELY with Dave on that one!! :)

Reporter said...

Well...I think I need to admit now what really happened, since you've got me in this corner...

I drool...


To me it's just another leaky place ya know.

Indonesia was unfortunate in that was something in the garang garang

Andrew G said...

love you man