Saturday, March 11, 2006

Bloor Street and a dog

That's all I need to be happy this summer...I'll keep ya posted



Adele said...

What kind of dog? One of those frou frou teeny tiny lapdogs that you can carry around in a purse?

Adele said...

Er and HELLO what is up with your new blog title???

Have you become a gangsta rapper?

What would your mother say?

A.J. said...

Well Adele already stole my question! Yes Jon, we want to know what kind of dog! Just so we can al have the same visual!!!

Reporter said...

Rhodesian Ridgeback if I could afford it...but since I can't....maybe a Chocolate Lab

Sadly it's not likely i'll get a dog this year...but I will try and move my roomates and myself to bloor street.

I should just get a dog, I've wanted one for years, why not eh? It would get me outta the house a little more :>

and maybe I should change my gangsta's from a book i read called the 100 worst album titles of all time. They were talking about Mother Teresa I think.

sc@vp said...

hey! now i have to change the title of my link to your site on my site.

just pick a name, already.


wver: nukgmrps (that's what i'm calling you in my head right now)

Charlie said...

just go jogging with a pork chop tied around your neck..something'll show up

Linda Hope said...

DUDE!! Does this mean you might be living near the Cho??


I will join you on Bloor whenever you want! dude you are one of my major heros...i dont even know why, but i really love you man!!
